



Export souboru z KiCad 515 » Historie » Revize 1

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Aleksei Karavaev, 2020-09-27 14:37

Export souboru z KiCad 5.1.5

Vyberte File -> Plot.

Nahoře okna zadejte cestu k Vašemu projektu.

Udělějte novou složku Gerbers, vyberte ji. Zmačknete Yes pokud se program pta na relatiní cestu.
Z levé strany bude seznam vrstev které chceme exportovat jako gerber.

Select all the layers you need. For a simple PCB, you’ll need the

Top and Bottom silkscreen layers
Front and back copper
Edge cuts

The In1 and In2 layers are only needed for four-layer boards.

Make sure the front and back copper layers are checked as well as the front and back silkscreen layers. Check front mask, back mask, and edge cuts.

The mask layers show where solder mask needs to go and the edge cuts layer is our board outline with the slot cut out at the top.
It also gives us which options we need to check.

Make sure that the “Exclude PCB edge layer from other layers” is checked. We want the part reference designators to show up on the board so leave that checked. But we don’t want the values to be printed, so uncheck “Plot footprint values”.

Click "Plot" and the Gerber files will be generated and saved in the Gerbers folder.

Generating Drill file

Click “Generate Drill File“. Check the below options and leave everything else to default.

"Decimal format"

Click “Generate Drill File” and you should see a message in the bottom text window indicating that new files were created.

Aktualizováno uživatelem Aleksei Karavaev před asi 4 roky(ů) · 1 revizí